Friday, June 19, 2020

Should you skip questions on SAT

Many SAT takers are not sure about the right approach in SAT. Should you skip questions on SAT? Or is it a better idea to take calculated guesses in the exam? Before deciding on your approach, you should know that SAT deducts 1\4 points for every wrong answer. Skipping questions, on the other hand, does not lead to negative points. Guessing randomly can have a detrimental effect on your SAT score. If you are unsure about a question, you should consider skipping it. Take the guessing route only if you can eliminate answer choices based on your knowledge about the problem. Remember that exams like the SAT present many tricky questions with trap answers. If you are not prepared well enough, these trap answers may look very convincing. You can easily avoid a penalty by skipping such trap questions. Let your preparation levels guide you. The answer choices are meant to confuse test takers. If you are aiming for a very high score in the SAT, you can look to skip 3-4 questions at best. If you are targeting the 600-650 score range, you can skip 7-8 questions. You can easily get a score in the 650-700 range even if you skip a few difficult questions. Take a decision based on your preparation levels and target scores.

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